UW Submersible Miniature S-Beam Load Cell
Submersible Load Cells
If you operate a business where your measurement requirements take you underwater or necessitate dealing with some other kind of liquid for extended periods of time, Cooper Instruments can supply you with submersible load cells that can withstand the rigors of the job.
As with all load cells, submersible load cells measure tension and compression through an electronic signal converted from a load’s force. However, these load cells are modified to facilitate better functionality while under added environmental pressures or submerged in liquid.
Whether it’s the ocean or a fuel tank, these compact tools, which we adorn with a protective coating, can handle most working depths. Using metal foil strain gauge technology, one of the unique features of submersible load cells is their extremely high overload capacity – 1,000% of rated output, making them perfect for applications where total force may not be clear before measurement.
Submersible load cells can be applied in the offshore oil industry, commercial fishing, marine research institutions and more. With a durable design and construction, these models are made to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including permanent submersion, high-temperature ranges and corrosive environments.
Ranges from 0-10 Grams to 0-100 Lbs:
The LFS 270-UW is a submersible version of the popular LFS 270 load cell. It features the same compact size and adaptability, but also can be used submerged in a variety of liquids. Like its terrestrial counterpart, the LFS 270-UW is a miniature tension/compression load cell. Smaller than a postage stamp and made of sturdy aluminum (stainless steel for higher load models), the sensor’s built-in overload protection keeps it safe in any test situation.
The cell has two threaded #4-40 mounting holes at either end, making installation in any setting a snap. This submersible load cell is popular in the automotive, aerospace and automation industries for such applications as fuel tank fullness measurements. But it is adaptable to any application where loads must be measured in liquid environments.
- protective coating for underwater (or other liquid) applications
- completely submersible to most working depths
- compact size – smaller than a postage stamp
- available in 9 different load ranges
- made of sturdy aluminum (or stainless steel)
- extreme overload capacity – 1,000% of rated output
- built-in overload protection
- adaptable mounting
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